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Lasut en Braun

Unplug and Recharge

Unplug and Recharge

unplug en recharge/ landscaping/ back to nature/ tactility/ join in experience / closing the loop / give back to nature/ craftmanship/ here and now / old metal/ health / consciousness / balance / who am I / re connected/ all silence (New York meditation)

We see the beauty of the landscaping of the world and (re)use the colors and materials. We go back to nature with the old habbits of making beautiful things. What do you do as entrepreneur to take your responsibility to keep this world. All day life is “in the cloud” we want to be here and there, so we need time for silence en good balance. We meditate also in the middle of the streets of New York, new concepts have arised we sleep or lounge in a store while shopping. This experiences uses all senses and mostly materials with great structure and tactile reaction.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of whisdom” Aristoteles

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